Monday, July 14, 2008

oh -- and Happy Birthday to my sister

Elsku Hrefnus minn- Til hamingju med daginn - I'll give you your birthday cuddle when i see you next month!
;) and then you can give me mine!
xxxx Loff you little blister!

Krukku Borg - Jar City!

AMAZING- absolutely amazing how a little bit of home can make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside... even if it comes in the form of a cold and dark murder mystery film. ;)
The NZ film festival is on at the moment and i had a quick look the other day to see if Iceland had a movie in there this year. They did and it was a film adaptation of one of my favourite books by Arnaldur Indridason - Myrin, or Jar City as they have named it in English. I don't have a lot of good experience with Icelandic flicks so i was a little bit nervous to take Matt to see this just before i drag him across the world to "the land of depressing movies with no story lines".... But what doyaknow- I did and we both thought IT WAS REALLY GOOD! The story was great and it had a real plot, which i love in movies. The acting was great and i particularly liked the main characters as they were just as i had imagined them in the book. The film they used seemed to be very grainy but I'm not sure if that was to make it seem darker, older or if it was just the quality ... got a bit hard on my poor wee lasered eyes with some of the areal shots that travelled over the country really fast.
The cinema was full of all sorts of people and a few familiar sounding accents. The guy in the seat next to me was Icelandic - i could tell by his accent when he spoke to his Kiwi girlfriend and the way he sang along to "sofdu unga astin min".. and the way he giggled at some of the "Icelandic in-jokes", Like Sigurdur Oli (one of the characters) saying that he was on a "STEIK-AAT" while he is sat alone in a car, in broad daylight, RIGHT outside the house he is watching,, with takeaway coffee and a doughnut!!! ;) Brilliant!
Well done Baltasar Kormákur !! ;)

Now there are only 24 days to go and I'll be getting on a plane to fly away and have a new adventure! Can't wait!! so excited!! must .. wait.. little .. longer- SIGH!
That's enuff pondering for today.