Friday, May 2, 2008

MUM- is that you !!???

I thought Matt was acting a bit strange last week but i couldn't quite put my finger on what he was up to or what the deal was. So when my mamma poked her head through my ranch slider on Wednesday you can only imagine how surprised i was. :)
It's only going to be a short stop while Barry is doing some mega business in Australia (where by the way he did the same sort of surprise to Karen ) so they will be here til Tuesday and then it's off again travelling the world - but it's so nice to see them and for Matt to be able to meet them before we go to Iceland this August. Takes the pressure off a bit for when he meets all my crazy viking relatives and friends.

I can't believe how many guests we have had lately- First Stina a year ago- then Hrefnulius over x-mas- Karen shortly after that and then Mamma and Barry straight away after Karen! I'm feeling rather special and spoilt having so many people come see me all this way at the end of the world. I guess they do it for me coz they know I'd do it for them.

It's Matt's Birthday on Friday next week so maybe i can try to give him an equally big surprise then.

Brain drool over.

1 comment:

Fluffski said...

Crazy viking relatives....I beg your pardon! I happen to be a very proper girl I'll have you know! Proper indeed...I'd say I'm actually rather splendid :-) But yeah, the rest of them....a bit quack quack! xx